Service Manager


About the Transaction Audit Log

About the Transaction Audit Log

Viewing Transaction Audit Logs

About the Transaction Audit Log

The Transaction Audit log lists create, update, and delete events that are enabled per business object class. It also allows views of business object details to be logged. View logging is enabled per form or form-view.

Transaction Audit Log

Each Transaction Audit log includes the following fields:

Event type (create/view/update/delete)

Event date/time

User login ID

User role (administrator only)

Object type

Object name/ID

Client address

View type (form or form view: administrator only)

View name (administrator only)

Viewing Transaction Audit Logs

1.Log into the Service Manager Application.

2.Open the Transaction Audit Log workspace. The application displays a list of transaction events, if any.

3.Open an item from the list to view details.

Transaction Audit Log

4.Click Go to to view the business object record.

5.To remove a log from the list, do the following:

a. Select the log.
b. Click Delete.

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